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Sangonghe Formation

Sangonghe Fm


Age Interval: 
Lower Jurassic, J1 (TJ1, TJ2, TJ3, TJ4).


Type Locality and Naming

Junggar and Turfan-Hami Basins. It was named by the Geological Survey Division of the Petroleum Administration of Xinjiang in 1956, and was first cited publicly by Si Xingjian, Zhou Zhiyan in 1962. The naming section is located at the Sangong River south of Fukang County, Xinjiang. Middle formation in Shuixigou Gr.

Synonym: (三工河组)

Lithology and Thickness

It is composed of an alternating uneven layer of grey-green sandstone, siltstone and mudstone, intercalated in some areas (Santang Lake and Sandao Ridge) with conglomerates, coal seams and thin beds of siderite ores. Its basal part consists of a layer of grey-yellow sandstone. It is 486.87 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 
Fine-grained sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

It is in a conformable contact onto the underlying Badaowan Fm

Upper contact

It is in a conformable contact below the overlying Xishanyao Fm

Regional extent

The formation is distributed in the Junggar Basin, East and West Junggar Mts areas and the Tulufan-Hami Basin. There are some changes in lithology and thickness of the particular formation. For instance: In the area of Urumqi City the particular formation represents an alternating layer of mudstone and siltstone, with a thickness of 378 m; In the area to the east of Urumqi City and to the south of Jimusar it has become an alternating layer of sandstone and conglomerate together with mudstone, with a thickness of 224-766 m; In the area of Baiyang River-Hashituoluogai, its lower and middle parts consist of sandy conglomerates, while its upper part consists of an alternating layer of siltstone and sandstone; In the area of Klamayi it turns into an alternating layer of sandstone and mudstone; In the eastern part of the Junggar Basin it is similar to that of the Baiyang River area in the lithology, yet with a thickness of only 125-240 m; and In the Tutufan-Hami Basin the particular formation is composed of lacustrine grey-green argillaceous shale, mudstone, cone-in-cone limestone and lenses of siderite ores.




It yields plant fossils as represented by the Conipteris-Phoenicopsis flora, as well as bivalve fossils as represented by the Unio-Tutuella-Sibireconcha-Ferganoconcha assemblage, important members of which comprise Ferganoconcha tomiensis, F. subcentralis, Sibireconcha anodontoides, S. jenisejensis, Tutuella cf. chachlovi, T. cf. trapezoidalis, Unio sp., Cuneopsis aff. johannisboehmi and Magaritifera sp.; of the plant fossils there are found to occur Neocalamites carrerei, Cladophlebis gigantean, Todites denticulatus, T. williamsoni, Sphenopteris sp., Phoenocopsis speciosa, Phlebopteris brauni, Elatocladus sp., Podozamites lanceolatus, Equisetites multidentatus, Ginkgoites hermelini and Sphenobaiera longifolia. In addition, there are also found to occur ostracods, conchostracans, insects, fish, spore-pollen and algal fossils.


Schematic strat column in previous "red Chinese Lexicon" implies that the Sangonghe Fm is Pliensbachian-Toarcian below a "Aalenian" Xishanyao Fm, but that Xishanyao Fm is now re-assigned as Bathonian through mid-Oxfordian. Diying Huang (2019; Jurassic integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China: Earth Sciences, v. 62) re-assigns this Sangonghe Fm as mid-Pliensbachian through Aalenian.

Age Span: 

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Depositional setting

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Additional Information


Jingeng Sha (coordinator)